Energy Recovery can substantially reduce mechanical heating and cooling requirements as well as costs associated with conditioning ventilation air in most buildings, especially when buildings require 100% outside air at high ventilation rates. Seasons-4 offers Energy Recovery solutions with the most commonly used energy recovery components:
Fixed Plate Heat exchangers – Seasons 4 works with and sources plate heat exchangers from Innergytech. Available in both Enthalpy and Sensible formats, and available in several different arrangement whether it be straight energy recovery or a pre-cool, reheat arrangement, we’re sure to have a solution that fits your needs.
Energy Recovery Wheels – Seasons 4 works with and sources Energy recovery wheels from several manufacturers. Available with both Total Enthalpy or Sensible only media as well as single wheel, dual wheel arrangements, a Seasons 4 unit is sure to reduce energy consumption.
Heat pipes – Seasons 4 has extensive knowledge of heat pipe systems. Over the years we’ve manufactured both energy recovery and wrap around solutions for numerous customers.
Our units are available as Package DX Energy recovery solutions as well as air handling units with either Chilled water or DX cooling options, gas heat, electric, steam and hot water.
See our brochure below highlighting some of our designs and arrangements.