Seasons 4 direct replacement multizone unit

For well over 30 years, Seasons•4 has specialized in building Custom Multizone units with. Where others may dabble in a market, Seasons•4 immerses themselves in it. Whether your need is a direct replacement of an existing multizone unit or a new custom multizone unit, Seasons 4 has a unit that is right for your needs.

What is a Multizone Unit

History of Multizone Units

Two Deck Multizone units

Seasons•4 still manufactures typical two deck multizone units. We rely on Copeland digital and variable speed scroll compressors to provide modulation down to 30% of the lead compressors capacity.  Older units had very little if any modulation on the cooling side, most relied on less efficient hot gas bypass to reduce the capacity of the system. The problem with hot gas bypass is that it puts a false load on the refrigeration system by injecting hot gas at the distributor nozzle while doing nothing to reduce power consumption. In gas heating applications, Seasons•4 relies on Heatco tubular furnaces for 5:1 or greater modulation to meet your heating demands without wasting excess energy. While it is true that the two deck unit does mix or blend potentially heated and cooled air together, adjustments in the sequence or operation can lock out the heating and cooling to avoid such a situation if codes demand such. We suggest using a hot gas reheat coil in this application to provide a first stage of “free” heat while the lead compressor is running.

Three Deck Multizone units

Seasons•4 also provides three deck multizone units. A step above the older two deck model, a three deck multizone unit meets ASHRAE STD 90.1 by not allowing heated and cooled air to mix even if they are both running. Heated air mixes with bypass air and Cooled air mixes with bypass air, but heated and cooled air never mixes in this arrangement.

Three Deck VAV Multizone units

“The Gold Standard” of multizone units. Seasons•4 takes the three deck multizone unit to the next level by adding variable volume capability. Because energy consumption is directly related to the speed of the blower motors, reducing the speed of the blowers during off peak conditions can dramatically reduce your energy costs.

Curious about the operation of the three deck multizone damper? Give our video and description of operation a look here.