Exceeding expectations since 1971, Seasons-4 has been providing Custom Built HVAC solutions and Package DX Units for:
Automation facilities
Casinos & resorts
Data Centers
Food processing facilities
Malls & Shopping centers
Military facilities
Schools & Universities
Wastewater Treatment Plants
Custom Components:
Most manufacturers start with a standard off the shelf unit, selected from their catalog and then try to add components and options to make it fit the users needs. They might even send it to a “final finisher” to have modifications made in an effort to meet specifications and customer needs. Seasons•4 starts with a blank sheet of paper and designs custom built HVAC solutions to specifically meet the customer’s needs. By approaching every job in this manner, Seasons•4 ensures that every part was meant to work together and the design is the best energy efficient approach possible. Our designs meet current DOE and ASHRAE 90.1 Standards with respect to EER and IEER performance. Seasons•4 has years of experience building Custom Built HVAC solutions and Package DX Units. We build units with the following options just to name a few:
Hot Gas reheat
Seasons•4 can adjust the discharge air temperature of the unit, i.e. the sensible capacity of the unit so to not overcool the space while providing maximum dehumidification with the use of hot gas reheat. Be wary, not all hot gas reheat systems provide the same reheat capabilities. Some systems just “trim the top off” and provide a “desuperheating” type reheat. While it is the simplest to provide and does not require active refrigerant management to controls, it is also limited in reheat capability. For this reason, Seasons•4 also provides full condensing reheat systems. In a full condensing reheat system, a majority of the refrigerant is condensed in the hot gas reheat coil in lieu of being rejected outdoors. Full condensing reheat is best configured with active refrigerant management components (receivers, and control valves) to avoid “overcharge” situations and best used with modulating control valves.
Subcool reheat
By using hot liquid on its way to the expansion valve as a source of reheat, one can actually extend the performance and efficiency of their unit. Subcool reheat is best used when you have a constant need for reheat, for example, in a dedicated outside air unit where you need to provide neutral air. Subcool reheat is best used in conjunction with hot gas reheat, letting the subcool reheat coil do the “heavy lifting” and trimming the leaving air temperature with the modulating hot gas reheat coil.
Energy recovery
There are several forms of energy recovery available and Seasons•4 uses them all. Total and Sensible energy recovery wheels, passive and active regenerated desiccant wheels, Enthalpy and Sensible plates, wrap around and energy recovery heat pipes and “run around” loop coils, Seasons 4 can build a solution utilizing energy recovery that meets your needs.
Sound attenuation
The key to proper attenuation is first understanding the customer’s needs. Is the concern over radiated noise levels? Maybe noise level at the property line? Is it attenuation required to meet local noise ordinances? Is it noise in the space that is a concern? Or all of the above? By using the “blank sheet of paper” approach, we can specifically design the unit to fit the jobsite needs by using quieter condenser fans, sound attenuating louvers on the condenser, air intake, and exhaust openings. Perforated liners in key areas to absorb noise and as required and sound attenuators work to radiated noise. There are numerous ways we can approach any given design. Is weight a concern? Is performance and efficiency more important? When tasked with noise reduction, our mode of selection changes with the noise level reduction playing a key determining factor in the parts and pieces we select, from compressors, to condenser fans to supply and return blowers.
Cabinet construction
Seasons•4’s standard cabinet is a 2″ polyurethane foam cabinet with a galvanized steel interior and an aluminum (never rust) exterior. We also have custom options for 3″ and 4″ cabinets of both standard, no thru metal, and true thermal break construction. While aluminum exteriors and galvanized steel interiors are our standards, we offer cabinets built with heavier gauges of steel, aluminum and stainless steel.
Low temperature DX
Do you know that Seasons•4 can provide 40 degree dewpoint discharge units? Why spend the energy and money for a desiccant unit if you only need to go to 40 degree dewpoint? Most manufacturers stop around 50 degrees, we can go 10 degrees colder. This is a great application for cold storage units like chocolate storage, or for surgery suites where low temperatures and humidity are a necessity.
Condenser types
Air cooled, water cooled condensed, and evaporative condensed, Seasons•4 has experience in building all kinds of package DX units. We build air cooled units as large as 550 tons and Evaporative condensed units to well over 400 tons and water cooled condensed units to 300 tons.
Seasons•4 relies on Copeland scroll compressors. We use digital and variable speed scroll compressors in most of our units. For larger units, we use Bitzer screw compressors and Carlyle reciprocating compressors.
Gas heating
Seasons•4 employs Heatco furnaces for gas heating applications.
Custom Configurations:
Seasons•4 is capable of producing equipment in a wide variety of configurations. Single zone, Multizone, Dual path, Single path, Energy recovery in side by side or over/under arrangements just to name a few. Again, we start with a blank sheet of paper for your unit, so custom configurations and arrangements are our specialty.
The above components and options are just the beginning of what’s available from Seasons•4. We hit our stride where others stop in the HVAC business. If you can’t find something that meets your needs from others, you’ve came to the right place. See our rep list to find a local representative near you.